Corporate Housing Furnished Monthly Rentals in Oakland CA

See All Furnished Rentals in Oakland Oakland Corporate Housing

Oakland Corporate Housing

Oakland Corporate Housing

Oakland, California and the surrounding area has been attracting visitors for a variety of reasons since the 1800’s. Today, the demand for travelers to this northern California metropolis includes those needing to find corporate housing in Oakland for extended stays. The 5th busiest port in the US and its associated transportation infrastructure has contributed to this draw with its huge employee base but it doesn’t end there. High tech firms and those engaged in green industries make their home there. Major firms like Kaiser Permanente, Clorox, Dryers Ice Cream and Cost Plus World Markets have found headquartering there advantageous. The nearby campus of the University of California at Berkley adds to the need for quality extended-stay housing for visiting professors and others. (CHBO) provides access to properties answering this need via its easy to use search engine.

Looking to Rent Your Property to Corporate Travelers? List with CHBO

If you are the owner or the representative of a property you deem appropriate for a corporate rental, you should consider placing your Oakland area listings with CHBO. The investment is modest for the extensive exposure your property will receive. Register today without obligation to learn more about our services including access to the informative Corporate Housing Handbook, which is an excellent guide to becoming a successful corporate landlord. If you wish to have us, do a free rent evaluation for your property we would be happy to do so. In addition be sure to check out our commitment to your success evidenced by our Guarantee.

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