CHBO's By Owner Corporate Housing Report Now Available in Kindle Reader Version on

DENVER, March 06, 2013 - (CHBO), an online marketplace connecting private landlords of furnished, short-term rentals with tenants in need of temporary housing, makes the results of its 2012 By Owner Corporate Housing Annual Report available to millions of Amazon Kindle users around the world. For $.99, Kindle users can download the report, which is chocked full of stats, trends and insights for individual landlords managing furnished rental properties.

Further, the By Owner Corporate Housing Annual Report also is available in paperback for $24.95 on

"Our Annual Report is an important tool that individual landlords managing furnished properties around the world depend on for the latest data and trends in corporate housing management and investing," says Kimberly Smith, co-founder and CEO of CHBO. "By partnering with Amazon to distribute our Report, we are enabling great reach through the largest online global retailer. The more individual landlords we can reach and therefore help, the better!"

The 2012 Annual Report, released by CHBO in January 2013, includes information on:

Security Deposit Trends. Are individual property owners requiring security deposits or is the trend moving toward Accidental Rental Damage Insurance? What is the average security deposit fee?

Outlook on Real Estate Investing. Are corporate housing investors profitable or break-even? Do they plan to invest in more real estate in 2013?

Short-Term Rental Regulation. How is regulation of short-term rentals, particularly vacation rentals, impacting the corporate housing industry.

The survey was completed by individuals who owned or managed a furnished monthly residential rental property in 2012. The By Owner Annual Report reflects findings from individual property owners, rather than from full-service, corporate housing companies.

Download the Report on any Kindle Reader.

Visit Amazon to receive a paperback version of the Report.

About Corporate Housing by Owner, Inc. (CHBO)

CHBO was founded in 2006 to connect private homeowners and real estate investors offering furnished, short-term rentals with corporate housing seekers such as traveling executives, relocated professionals, traveling nurses, actors, athletes, etc. CHBO gives individual homeowners and investors tools to manage a corporate housing property themselves and helps them market their properties to a mass audience turning to corporate housing to fulfill their lodging needs. Visit online at View the 2012 CHBO Annual Report on the CHBO website.

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Jeremy Blackburn

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