Buying an Investment Property? Deals may be harder to find...
AdminPublished Date: 2013-07-01
Did you hear Bruce Willis is selling his home for $22 Million and he bought it for just $9 Million a few years back? Real estate agents in San Francisco report overbidding on for-sale real estate. The Dads as the baseball game say they missed their opportunity to buy that last big increasable condo rental. What do you think? Zillow shows Beverly Hills home values are increasing, with Zillow data showing values up 18.3 percent year-over-year. Regardless of your real estate experience, there are always important fundamentals that are important for you to remember and understand and that are essential elements for your success.To get you started, here are three principles to keep in mind:
- First, always treat your rental property as a business and make decisions accordingly.
- Second, respect and appreciate your tenants; they are the clients and customers to your business. Without them, you will not survive.
- Third, it is your responsibility as a property owner to maintain the safety and integrity of your investment.